Featured Publications
Author, Lexis Practice Advisor® - Music Law
Author, Lexis Practice Advisor® - Managers, Agents, and Attorneys
Co-Author, Lexis®PSL - Dealing with Social Media Influencers in the USA
Author, DIY Musician:
As a Musician, How Do I Get an Endorsement Deal? (Questions from SXSW, Pt. 1)
How Do I Pursue Sync Licensing Opportunities? (Questions from SXSW, Pt. 2)
When Should I Pursue a Publishing Deal, and What Can I Expect? (Questions from SXSW, Pt. 3)
Posting Cover Songs on YouTube: Music Video Licensing Explained
But What About “Fair Use”? : Entertainment Law for Indie Musicians
How to Legally Use a Famous Icon (like the Hollywood sign) in Your Album Artwork or Music Video
Copyright for Songwriting Collaborators: HelpfuLaw for the Indie Artist, Pt. 1